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How to work harder: Don't use an issue tracking system


Here's a great way to make your software project more complicated: don't use an issue tracking system. Issue tracking systems provide users/testers a centralized location to identify system bugs, questions and requests.

You may think that you can easily do this via email, and for very small efforts you are right. However, for most projects, tracking issues via email will quickly becomeĀ a tangledĀ mess of long threads that are impossible to effectively track.

If you want to lose track of what issues are fixed vs. what is still outstanding, by all means you should skip using an issue tracking system. (Perhaps you might also enjoy carving each bug into a big slab of rock, too.)

On the other hand, if you want to be organized and suffer less, find a nice issue tracking system. These days, I'm using Unfuddle, but there are plenty of others.

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