Free Resources

  1. Selecting the Right Programmer
    .pdf file (420.87 KB)
    How to select the right programmer for your custom software project
    Avonelle Lovhaug
    November 11, 2008
  2. Agreement Tips
    .pdf file (458.00 KB)
    If you have never written a custom software development contract, you may not be sure you are covering all the bases. This article discusses some of the unique features of software development contracts.
    Avonelle Lovhaug
    November 11, 2008
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What the critics are saying...

Avonelle is an incredibly talented software developer. She works fast, is economical, and offers great insights into the project at hand. She is also not afraid to speak up when she has concerns about a decision or approach. We’ve utilized her talents on many of our software development projects over the years.

Carrie Rocha, Chief Operating Officer @ HousingLink