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Planning for a scary future

Every year at Halloween I buy too much trick-or-treat candy. Why? I don't want to disappoint any costumed children that may come to my door. Buying an extra bag or two of candy is an easy and fairly inexpensive way to handle the risky business of stiffing a local cherub.

Throwing money at a problem isn't usually the best way to mitigate risk. Still, contingency planning is something technologists must embrace. While server experts must plan for issues like hardware failure, software developers must think about how their applications will respond to unanticipated problems. Error handling is one area that needs to be considered in all applications. Security is another. While all applications don't need the protection of Fort Knox, most applications do require some basic protection.

The best developers are those who can think critically about what can go wrong and how to appropriately handle it. Using developers who can't do this may mean you are in for a scary future!

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What the critics are saying...

As someone with over 20 years of software development experience and currently a small business owner, it has been a pleasure working with Avonelle. In addition to being a talented developer, Avonelle also has database expertise and system design skills. Avonelle is open minded and willing to discuss various methodologies for achieving a project goal. She is also not afraid to ask questions which is vital in a software development project. Her up-front project cost (not estimate) is very helpful in budgeting for a project.

--Dwayne Wolterstorff, Owner @ Fair