Business-focused custom software

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Do you need high responsiveness from your consultant?

Not all businesses do, but it can certainly come in handy. I recently got a call from one of my clients with an urgent request to hide a particular feature from users while they spent some time reviewing it. The issue was that their process to prevent misuse of their site had allowed a bad actor through, resulting in some fraud for a legitimate user. Yikes!

Because this client is a regular support client, I provide a high level of responsiveness for their requests. I was able to adjust their application and get the solution deployed in less than half a day.

When hiring a software consultant or team, consider what level of responsiveness they offer, and also what you might need. I have known clients who were frustrated because their needs were too small to be prioritized by their vendor in a timely fashion. Waiting days or weeks or longer for urgent requests may not be a good option for your business.

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What the critics are saying...

Avonelle is a rare IT professional who can communicate with business users on a level they can understand, and who can recommend creative technical solutions that are in line with the business goals and the business budget. Avonelle is conscientious not only about meeting deadlines, but also exceeding her customers expectations around quality software while providing superior customer service. Avonelle is an inspiration to me.

Valerie Vogt, Director of IT Advisory Services @ Inetium