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The disappearing customer

Unfortunately, the disappearing customer is not any better than the disappearing programmer during a development project. When a customer doesn’t respond to communication requests in a timely fashion, it slows the entire effort down (or in some cases, grinds it to a complete halt!)

If you have hired a programmer for a custom development effort, make arrangements for someone else to respond to questions if you will be on vacation or otherwise unavailable for more than a day or two. And use an auto-responder so that people emailing you know what to expect. Better yet: let others know what is going on ahead of time, if possible.

Otherwise, don’t be surprised when your project isn’t completed by the deadline.

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What the critics are saying...

From my experience with Avonelle, she can be relied on to deliver whatever she promises--always on time and for the quoted cost. She'll ask the right questions to make sure that what she delivers truly meets the business need. Her expertise has been invaluable. All that at a very reasonable rate!

Kim Merriman, Operations Manager @ HousingLink